Death Worm : Best Android Arcade Games

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Death Worm : Best Android Arcade Games. At this blog multiplayer android games we will review abaout death worm. Worm Death is a pure adrenaline pumpin, arcade action. You're always on the move ... always moving back and forth across the land. Still, that is, until the surface at such a rate to shoot skyward like a rocket. These trips are of short duration and with his back to the ground seconds after launch. Death worm is another android arcade games.

Death Worm is a simple game. Death Worm control with the directional pad on the screen and you can crawl back and forth trying to capture a share of inhabitants of the area and to avoid enemy fire. This is a passionate This is a fast and seems to last forever. It will last forever is what kills the game for me. I've actually played the game this morning, my whole goal is to die as quickly as possible, and it took about 3 minutes. Simply does not work for me and a game arcade, where I'm like a challenge, and fight tooth and nail to stay alive.

Death Worm : Best Android Arcade Games

But look at what is done here. The graphics of Death Worm are very good. Police cars, helicopters, and even small, tiny human beings are very well made, and scurry across the surface. The worm of death runs smoothly and the game is smooth, too. In a sense, this game reminds me hungry shark, as I'm always in the direction of the surface of my next meal. As things progress, the worm of death comes to power and upgrades. Improvements include a choice of two options for things like speed and strength of the skin. The graphics Death Worm and sound are Grade "A" quality controls work pretty well, but a real command would be ideal.

Death Worm includes a survival mode (play until you are dead), a campaign mode and mini games. In campaign mode, you are simply a goal like "eat a dozen people." There are different origins as a desert with camels and eat like some variety. The mini-games are cute. One needs to hit flying enemies (helicopters, UFOs, etc ...) with some boxes in the surface which must accelerate rapidly to the surface, which is in contact with a box, and hit him in the air for some time flies specific. But because you can not see what is above it becomes more than luck and skill you can plan a box is, but just hope to hit something when in contact with the box.

death worm

Death Worm : Best Android Arcade Games

Death Worm is not a bad game. In fact, if you are willing to accept that the game will last a long time with a death threat immiment small, it can be fun. It's not as if they hit the surface. It's just that I think you have given, than to earn money, just too much of their lives. It would be like to play Space Invaders and Pac Man, and start 30 people instead of the usual 3 for me, however, who did a little 'too boring just a little' too quickly, because the perceived lack of challenge. 3.5 / 5 stars.

3 komentar:

Unknown said...

I'd give your list ofAndroid games a try. :) I've been scouting for really awesome multiplayer games too :D

Unknown said...

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Unknown said...

Okay I've played this before, but it is not as awesome as what other people say. It is a great game, but not that great. I still prefer online multiplayer games because they are more addicting.

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